Tomorrow the Hyeres world cup begins.
When I left you last time, i was about to go and glue my fingers together with epoxy and get gelcoat all over my shorts. Well you will be pleased to know that alongside both of those thing I also managed to land a bit of the mess on the boat, and after an incredibly messy couple of days we were ready to sail.
Since then we have been working really hard on the water. The weather hasn't completely been playing ball, and we actually missed one day because it was so windy. Outside of that we have sailed everyday teaming up with a number of people to work on both speed and racing.
This is the final day before racing now, and like we always do, today will be filled with a final short sail, polishing and tramp tightening. We are both really excited to get out racing again, and currently the forecast looks like it could be a lightish one. But i must remember this is nacra sailing, its always windy so the likely hood is we will be flying around the bay come race day!
Results and event tracing at
Stand by for Day 1 update