As i am writing this I am asking myself the question, ‘do frogs ever go to sleep?’

Nikki and I have just checked into our very quaint… to put it poshly 'static home', though in real words ‘caravan', the walls are particularly thin and there seems to be an outlandishly loud frog (just confirming i am referring to an actual frog) ribbiting away outside. I do hope he gets the picture soon and settles down for the night! 

Hello and welcome to France. After an incredibly enjoyable week at home in cornwall, we are back to it. During my time at home I didn’t seem to waste second, days were filled with helping on the farm and getting enough jobs done so that Paddy and I could compete in every sport that ever existed. Honestly i think it might be easier to list the sports we didn’t do last week that the ones we did. The stunning cornish weather was just the place to be for farm work and activities.

Paddle Boarding, one of many, many sports.

Paddle Boarding, one of many, many sports.

But as I said we are now back in the south of France, Hyeres to be specific. Hayers this year is the first of the european World Cup regattas, this is an invite only event, so only the top level sailors will be here. Its going to be a very tightly fought week. The first of the steely tasks was for us to find our ‘static home’ in the maze of other static homes. In an attempt for the campsite to be as european as possible they add to the task by not allowing you to drive anywhere near where you need to get. instead they provide you with an airport style trolly and make you push your 100s of bags over an all terrain rally course losing items as you go. It was a challenge we relished and frankly following that, the regatta should be a breeze. 

Map Reading

Map Reading

Over the next few days Nikki and I have a bit of boat tinkering to do, by that i mean no doubt ending up with filler and gelcoat all over my hands. We plan to get some good hours on the water before racing starts next Wednesday. Team support arrives on Thursday to start the coaching process so we are looking forward to building on the lesson learned in Palma and taking another step forward. 

stand by for photos of me epoxying my fingers together!

Cheers for now

