Today was a BDOTW, for those of you that are not familiar with this term, Big Day On The Water. As we rigged this morning the wind was light and actually dropped to nothing at one stage, but fast than you can say 'BDOTW' it was back and fresh.

We used the day to do mostly speed work in the breeze, and managed to get some of the upwind rig settings a bit more dialed in. Tuning up with Rup and Nikki we quickly found our feet and were flying.

But today downwind was the most exciting part of today, we lifted the boards a little to be on the safe side, but we made up for it by pushing the boat harder than ever! We were fast, I mean really fast. It was great sailing and by the time we eventually dropped the kite we were both so pumped from the sail.

More breeze forecast for tomorrow, hope it not too windy!

