Hello dedicated sports fans, welcome to 2017. I hope everyone has had a very enjoyable Christmas break, I certainly did but now it is back to business. Like most of these things I am currently in the all too familiar, oxygen depleted, elbow cramped space that is an aeroplane seat.
Christmas in the Phipps household is always good fun, but even more so this year as for the first time in many years my little sister made it home for the holidays. We are a family of games at the best of times and the festive holiday only heightens the trend. A new and now personal favourite game, and one I can particularly recommend if you are geeky like myself is ‘Betrayal at House on the Hill’. There were many laughs and a few tantrums thrown over small bits of cardboard, but it is always good fun.
A few other things happened over the break, most notably I was asked to speak at Penair school’s GCSE awards evening. As an ex-pupil it was a real privilege to be asked back, it was also quite strange wondering the corridors of my old school. The last time I had done that was queuing up for a class back in 2005! It was really nice to be able share some of my experiences since school with the recently graduated students, and all I can hope is that I didn’t end up waffling too much. Huge congratulations to all the students and especially those who achieved special awards.
Another exciting moment – well, for me at least – was the arrival of a drone at my parent’s company. Naturally as I think most guys would be, this was a very exciting toy. And after a few nervous early flights, I quickly became quite happy with it. And on some of the very stunning days between Christmas and new year I was able to get some of these great shots of the rest of the Windsport gang on the water
Enough of my board game marketing pitch – The makers of ‘Betrayal’ can pay me later – As I said I back in the sky on my way back to Cadiz in the south of Spain. Nik and I are on our way to the first full British Sailing Team squad camp of the 2020 Olympic cycle, it’s a really exciting time as we have a New squad, new coach and in a few months a new boat! Over the next few months before the new boat arrive, Nikki and I have a few specific things we want to work on Sailing-wise, but it is also about setting up the squad and working environment so that it works for the next 4 years.
Fortunately, we did a block of training out in Cadiz before Christmas which is great because we already have our bearing for the area and it save us trying to fit an entire nacre into our not so generously allocated easy jet hand luggage. After a few weeks of chilliness, we can wait to get back out on the water in Spain. Now with a coach and support boat, I should hopefully be able to get you lot a few snaps of us actually on the water sailing.
Lastly and as you may already be aware of, Nik and I are hosting a 2020 Olympic campaign launch party on the 25th of Feb, It will be a great night so if anyone is interested in coming or helping towards the evening, all the details are below. or click here
Stand by for some sunny sailing snaps!
Cheers all, T