Judging by the lack of posts recently you might think that Nikki and I had been taking it easy, well that couldn't be more wrong. After returning from the Dart Europeans Nikki and I had 5 days to our selves where I fully indulged in the well know rest and relaxation activity of kite surfing. Nikki was far more sensible and took the opportunity to stay out of neoprene for a couple of days.
The evening I arrived home
Following our contrasting rest periods Nikki made the long (but always worth it) trip to Cornwall, Over the the week we had some great sessions back on the Nacra, Nikki reminder her self what a dagger board and a spinnaker looked like, and I re-familiarised myself with my harness. during the training we had a great range of conditions, and fortunately we seem to have not forgotten anything and picked up from exactly where we left off. It was a really fun week, full of lots of hours on the water and a few fun activities in the evenings too. Nikki surpassed herself on her maiden wakeboard experience by popping up and riding around like she had done it 100 times before.
Moving into the next week, Nikki and I welcomed a very shinny new member to the the campaign. As we go into the winter period we now have a new boat! This is a huge help to our campaign, and should provide a few more of those tiny percentages that go to making the difference at an olympic level. While still a work in progress we have a theme for the names of our boats, based on Blink and peggy sue we are going with Blink 182 song titles, there are some fairly dodgy ones, but feel free to suggest!
Along side the collection of the new machine, Nikki and I relocated to weymouth where we spend some more good hours both on the water and working with the team specialists in the gym etc. The weather during the week can only be described as wet. It rained from start to finish, but that didn't stop us having some wild windy sessions on the water. Towards the end of the week, I took the new boat over to the isle of wright, to give her a little attention before the maiden voyage. Unfortunately due to a few delivery issues i wasn't able to get all the work done, and that leads us to now where I am once again back on the IOW with the correct part finishing off the work to to the new boat, before we head off in the direction of Barcelona for a training block ahead of the europeans.
Using lasers to align the new boat
I would also like to take this opotunity to Welcome Deva Sail Racing to our Olympic family. Deva have come on board to help us on this adventure. Nikki and I are so appreciative of all our supporters help, and we particularly like it when we are able to work with good friends and fellow sailors.
As i said before, we load and leave for Barcelona tomorrow, so stand by for the road trip goss and some Barcelona antics!