Its been a wild month, but I am now back in the beautiful Mylor preparing for warmer sunnier climbs. I think from that you can probably grasp where im off to next. But before I let you in on my worst kept secret, let me get you up to speed on the last couple of weeks.
Mary and I have been relentlessly trying to fit in as much sailing as possible. The splendid British winter weather has been doing its best to make life hard, but wasn’t a match for us. Last week we had a full week on the water in Weymouth, and was generously joined by Tom Saunt on a couple of days to provide some very welcome coaching. It was a hugely productive week, mainly in more breezy conditions but for the first time in a while we had the opportunity to sail in some light stuff too.
The on water time has been strongly supported by lots of time in the gym. During this stage in the year the support staff set high volumes of physical training to build our base fitness that will last us through the race season. Most of you that know me, will know that the gym is not my best friend, but recently I have become rather more acclimatised to it. As I have said before Mary and I are working really hard and doing everything we can to make this happen. To say ‘leaving no stone unturned’ would be both clichéd but accurate.
Following a big week on the water, I had the privilege of seeing my younger sister in a thoroughly entertaining production of the borrowers. The only slight sting in the tail was that, the show was based in Stoke-on-Trent. Despite the long drive it was hugely worth it, I recommend anyone in that direction to get down to the New Vic Theatre and give it a watch! She is the one who sings opera and does some point ballet dancing!
That takes us up to this week, which has really been about tidying things up for the winter. Another great sail on Monday put an end to our time in Weymouth this year. Tuesday was completely filled with delivering boats back around the UK before arriving home at 1am on Wednesday morning.
Right then,
As many of you will hopefully know, Mary and I have been working hard on raising support in order to make our winter program a reality. And thanks to you guys we are half way there. The Miami block is broken into two halves, the first before Christmas is to meet the container and get some slightly warmer but notably more consistent training in, and then retuning after Christmas for a little more training and the all important regatta.
I am massively proud to say stage 1 is complete, between you all, the first half on the trip is a go. We fly out next week, words cant explain how appreciative I am to you guys, or how excited I am to get out there and begin to smash the hours in. We have a great plan to keep our time on the water productive and ultimately prepare ourselves best for the post Christmas regatta.
This is a huge boost to us, but as I said before this is only half the winter block. And I hate to say it but this is the reasonable half. Post Christmas we are out there for a longer block and are of course racing for much of it, that in turn naturally creates more cost. I honestly really don’t enjoy doing this, but if you know of anyone or anyway of supporting us on this amazing journey towards Rio, I would love to hear from you.
In the next week, I am based in Cornwall preparing myself for going away. I am starting to make friends with the gym down here as well, and doing everything I can to make a difference for when we arrive in Miami for round 1. Success or not, it will not be because of a lack in trying.
My next update will I have no doubt involve a picture of a wing tip!