Well we have had a very eventful few days for the start of the ICCCC,
Day 1
After some frantic last minute jobs to the wing, we managed to get on the water. As we sailed out of Falmouth harbour and into the bay, this started to get weird. The wind dropped right off, and the fog rolled in. Before we knew it we were completely lost. Finally the support boat found us using the gps tracing and escorted us down to the start area.
The wind came and went but the fog remained persistent. During a brief gap in the fog we managed to get a start away, and sail most of the first beat. We were doing really well and in 3rd position until the fog rolled back in and we were once again lost. The race was quickly abandoned and after some hanging around in the thick fog, we were eventually sent back to the beach.
Day 2 and a bit of 3
This was not a good day, and in hindsight we should have seen it coming. After a terrible nights sleep where I kept my self up shouting into the big white telephone, I decided that it was not the day for me to be on the water. A stand in team went out to compete instead but before they had reached the race course, they unfortunately capsized the boat. After righting it and coming to assess the damage, we realised that the front beam had failed, fortunately the wing was all ok. A new beam was brought down from Bristol last night, and the team are working to get it fitted out for racing. Not sure we will make race 1 today, but hopefully we will be on the water!
Check back for more updates soon!