So she has now been for her first dip in the sea, After a few days of tinkering and getting things as I like them, Kynsa eventually made it to the water.  

Yes the new boat is called Kynsa, it is a Cornish name that translates to meaning "First", hopfully she will live up to her name! 

The breeze was pretty strong and i sailed with a friend from here in Cornwall, he is a little bit too much from the male gender to be a crew contender but is was great to get out on the water. We were absolutely flying around Falmouth water, 15-18 kts of wind and flat water, i think me must have touched 25kts of boat speed at times!

More sailing tomorrow and i will try to get some pictures.

On top of Kynsa making it to the water, I have also started what i'm sure will be an incredibly successful modelling career,

Typhoon Drysuits have agreed to help me in my quest for gold and built into the partnership is using myself to model the new suits for advertisements in some of the well known sailing magazines. Have a look below,  

4327-Y+Y Surface drysuit ad.jpg

Check back soon for more updates on training, and some pictures of the new raft in action.


