I have been based in Weymouth over the last week doing a good chunk of sailing in a range of conditions. The training was started by attending one of the formally RYA run camps. This was great as it gives us as sailors time to catch up with all the specialist and get any answers we need from them. Along side this we also spent much of the day on the water. The friday was great lucy and I were able so sail in some lighter conditions, which seems to be a bit of a commodity for us! Over the weekend lucy was busy so during the saturday i was a guest coach on the rib, and sunday i filled in for nikki and sailed with rupert (one of the other teams).
Lucy reappeared on monday and the breeze was back on! After some pretty gnarly bear-aways and pitchpoles unfortunately the seal at the top of the mast broke which meant we really couldn't afford another capsize and on that basis we decided to head for the beach and ready our selves for the following day. Tuesday was perfect, a nice breeze, the sun was out and we seemed pretty on pace. As if tuesdays conditions couldn't get any better, we wednesday was! A great day on the water in some awesome conditions. We spent alot of time focusing on improving our tacking routine which now seems pretty slick. We also spent some time working on speed against the other teams on the water. Generally our speed seemed pretty good :-)
A few days off now, but after getting my breath back. i head back to weymouth for another week long camp. Check back soon!