I was back on the Island last weekend for another training session with the BKA. I had an awesome weekend still getting to know the other sailors and finding out who works well where. I had a few keelboat firsts, notabley running aground and needing to get towed off! (so embarrassing) But I still blame Kelv the local who didnt mention it was about to get very shallow! On the sunday Luke Mccarthy set us up an exercise which involved som serious presure on hoist and drops. This was great as it allowed us to see easily where we can improve and speed things up. We have a few weeks off before the next training now, And in the meantime I am planning to get out on the water as much as possible with the Uni. Our Nationals Teams have now been selected and I will be Helming the Plymouth A boat. We finished 2nd last year so i am desperate to go one better this year! Keep checking for updates!