Tom needs additional support to help him win gold at Tokyo in 2020. For those individuals or business looking to be involved in a "Corporate Sponsorship" role we have a number of returns to suit any amount of investment. 

Tom is very aware that Sponsorship is a two way process, and there needs to be a return on any investment, Depending on the package that best fits, there is a variety of ways in which an investor will benefit.

  • Large Visual Branding (subject to RYA guidelines)

    • Clothing

    • Boat

    • Trailer

    • Van/Vehicle

    • Website

  • Talks and Appearances

  • Regular Updates and Reports

  • Social Media Representation

  • Corporate Sailing

  • Coaching and Experience

  • Professional Representation

  • Unique Worldwide exposure

  • Equipment Testing/R&D

In particular, we are looking for support in the following areas:

Financial - to cover costs such as accommodation, transport, entry fees, food, loan repayments, equipment etc. 

Product - clothing, tools and equipment, energy food and drink etc.

Technical Advancement - working with us on areas such as fluid dynamics (e.g drag, finish), loads, specialist boat parts

For any further information, or to discuss possible involvement please get in touch here,